01474 535373
191 Old Road West, Gravesend

Gait Analysis

We use the F-ScanMobile Computerised Gait This system uses the collection of information, about the way in which you walk, by means of sensors placed in your shoes. Data is gathered and processed by a computer, revealing patterns of gait imbalances. Research has shown a relationship exists between walking related problems and postural complaints. Pressure distribution and timing data are collected during a walk test. Since the average person walks approximately 5,000 to 7,000 steps per day, it is easy to to conceptualise how events occurring during the gait cycle, lasting only fractions of a second, can affect how we feel during the course of a day. The F-Scan Mobile is an inshoe pressure measurement system that lets us take very precise measurements of how your foot is loading in real time. It give us a useful indicator as to what is actually happening in the shoe when you are walking or running. The mobile system means that we can take the system to the running track and evaluate your running or we can go to your workplace and take measurements in a more realistic working environment.

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